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Volunteer Application

Volunteer Code of Conduct

Although you are a volunteer, you are still subject to the rules and conduct expected of all FSRS staff members. Once you have made a commitment to the organization, we depend on you to follow through with your commitment. Essentially, you become an integral part of the FSRS team.

As such, you represent the organization to both patrons and the public at large, and it is important to portray a positive image. Regardless of your capacity or seniority as a volunteer with the Foothills Salvage and Recycling Society, you are expected to:

Treat patrons, visitors, donating patrons and staff with respect and courtesy. Be sensitive to the diverse people involved with the FSRS, including race, culture, social & financial class, gender, age disability and religious background. Conduct yourself in a manner that is befitting a positive organizational image. Partake of no alcohol / drugs while on a shift, and do not report for duty while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Show up on time and dresses appropriately for your shift and the weather. Contact the Operations Manager immediately when you must cancel a regular volunteer shift. Stay through your entire shift. Keep all information you handle confidential.

In return, from your FSRS staff you can expect to:

Have your concerns, problems and issues listened to. Be treated with respect and courtesy. Be kept informed about changes within the FSRS that pertain to you. Be provided with a safe atmosphere in which to volunteer
Be provided with necessary training opportunities Be appreciated for your contributions to the society

While we appreciate the time you graciously donate to the Foothills Salvage and Recycling Society, reported negative behaviours will be investigated and, depending on the frequency and severity, could result in termination of your volunteer position with the FSRS.

Police Record Check is also required prior to final processing of application. We supply the form and payment.

    Contact Information

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Address *

    Postal Code *

    Primary Phone Number *

    Alternative Phone Number

    Email *

    Tell us about yourself

    My Current Occupation is *

    How Long * (years / months)

    What is your volunteer experience *

    Why are you interested in Volunteering with the Foothills Salvage and Recycling Society (FSRS)? *


    Please provide two work or volunteer related references:

    Reference #1

    Name *



    Contact Phone #*

    Reference #2

    Name *



    Contact Phone #*


    What days of the week are you available? (Please check all that apply)

    I am available*

    Emergency Contact

    In case of accident or illness emergency contact

    Full Name*


    Contact Phone #*

    Alt Phone Number

    Family Physician


    Alberta Health Care Number

    Date (yyyy-mm-dd) *

    I accept the terms and conditions as outlined above in the FSRS Volunteer code of conduct. *
    I accept the terms and conditionsI do not accept the terms and conditions